February 2023's featured CoachNow Member is Doug Mills, Founder and Owner of Training Thru Trust, a coaching business geared towards helping horse owners bond with and train their horses like never before.
His passion throughout his career changed quickly from training horses... to teaching people how to train horses. After traveling the world for over 20 years teaching, competing, and winning several championships, Doug moved more of his business online.
Spencer caught up with Doug last week to get an inside look at how Doug uses CoachNow in his business. He and Spencer discussed how he expanded his offer by offering digital coaching, his philosophy on paid acquisition, his biggest successes and mistakes as a business owner, and more.
We found this conversation incredibly enlightening. Even though his business is very unique, we promise you'll find some real wisdom from their time together.
Need coaching tech as well as business mentorship? Check out https://coachnow.io/ to kick off your free 7-day trial of CoachNow PRO!
Recap: Spencer lays out the PROVEN $100k offer and what it takes to deliver it in less than 30 hours per week. This has...
Recap: Coaches and trainers commonly make the same mistakes when it comes to growing their business and attracting/closing new clients. Spencer covers a 5-Step...
Quick Recap: We believe in the power of the coach/athlete relationship and want to make sure don't put yours at risk. Not all marketing...